Friday, April 6, 2012

Viernes Santo

Viernes Santo is the main celebration of Christianity commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.  Easter, por supuesto, is the Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Claro, it all gets started with Lent 40 dias before.  As Christians we believe that during this time to commemorate our faith we must repent for our sins with such things as fastening and haciendo penitencia.  Now that we have the religious references out of the way on to the part that as ninas we looked forward to the most….the Comida.    

This day to us means comida rica y mucha comida by the way and time with the familia. Remember folks during Cuaresma we give up carne roja on Fridays so we have to make up for it with all these other platos deliciosos.  Our fondest memories are going to Mexico for Easter and on Viernes Santo nuestra Abuelita would be in the kitchen cooking nopales en salsa, tortas de atun, papas en chile rojo, pescado empanizado, tortas de papa, arroz, orejones, lentejas the list goes on and on.  Man, la boca se nos hace agua just typing it. Memories of our Buelita cooking her butt off keep strolling through our minds.  Of course she would have help from our mom and tias, but she would be the one running the kitchen like the head chef that she was. Barking out orders “hazlo haci y ponle mas de esto”, we can still hear her now jajaja.  She wouldn’t let us taste anything until everything was done. The only people that would taste the food would be the cooks, dichosas ellas.  It smelled so good, you could smell the food all the way to the street.

And that was just the main course portion of it.  For dessert she would make capirotada,and arroz con leche.  Capirotada is like bread pudding, and arroz con leche is like rice pudding but “Mexican” style.  By the time the comida was done all of us would sit together and ya’ll know familias Mexicanas are not small, and we would all eat the amazing food.  We would laugh and enjoy the feast.  Even though our Buelita ya no esta con nostros la tradición vive with our tias in Mexico, our tia in California, my mom and it will be passed down to us as well. Yes Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior but it’s also the memories, the great food, the time with familia, the tradicion of growing up Catholic and Mexicanas.

So enjoy your Viernes Santo and Happy Easter.  We are off to eat some comida de cuaresma. 

Signing off Latina Divas 1 y 2

Hasta la proxima mi gente.

Nopales en salsa, tortas de atun, papas en chile rojo, pescado empanizado, tortas de papa, arroz, orejones, lentejas.


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